Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post-election things I hate

Now, I'm not going to lie - I'm super happy that Obama won the election and that Romney lost. I have lots of reasons for it, but I'm not going to tell you that now. Maybe later.

I understand that a lot of people are upset with the outcome of the election. For me, living in Utah and kind of being a Mormon, a lot of those people are extremely LDS. Some of them are saying things like,  "There's still lots to be grateful for," and "Let's just all pray for our president to be inspired to make the right choices," and I see those as very gracious, albeit sickeningly religious, responses. I don't know if I could be as gracious if things had gone the other way around.

But people posting this is something I hate:

Don't get me wrong - I love Gordon B. Hinckley (and for those of you who aren't LDS, I'll explain later why we feel a grandfatherly sort of love towards our presidents) and think he's very wise. 

But I really hate this idea that a lot of Mormons have that the President of the United States is basically a political prophet. I firmly believe in the idea of separation of church and state, and although it is okay for people to vote based off of their religious beliefs, why do they expect the entire country to be swayed by religion?

I don't know if this is what President Hinckley meant above, but I also really hate that a lot of Mormons tend to see the Founding Fathers as also sort of religious prophets. Mormon doctrine teaches that pilgrims settling America, the American Revolution, and the Constitution were all divinely inspired by God so that there could be a land of religious freedom so that all of the Joseph Smith story could happen. Which isn't a bad belief in my mind. To me, that just means that God influenced some events so that others that He really wanted to happen could occur.

To other LDS members, what that means is that the Constitution is unyielding scripture that cannot be touched and that the Founding Fathers are infallible.

Which is ridiculous and the cause of a lot of problems in our country.  

There was also this comment made on a picture of Obama that the Salt Lake Tribune (love them) had posted: 

I can't take someone seriously if they don't even know how to use punctuation marks correctly.
Now I also believe in the Book of Mormon (from which this scripture comes). But I do not believe that this scripture has anything to do with Obama winning the election.

And I really don't believe in the Old Testament superstitions that, if we do not all repent as a country, we will all be punished. Maybe that did or did not happen in Old Testament times. But I certainly do not believe that God will punish us as a country because we aren't repenting (and definitely not because we voted for the "wrong" person). 

The really frustrating thing about all of this, besides the crazies revealing themselves and the abundance of religion on my Facebook (where I sincerely believe it does not belong), is that you just know, based on all of this, that there are people out there who voted for Romney because of his religion and because they believed that him being LDS would make him more divinely inspired while running the country.

I guess the bottom line for me is, people really need to separate political stuff from religious stuff. Maybe not completely, but definitely with their gloom and doom prophecies. 

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